Watch Telesur TV (English) Live from Venezuela. Telesur TV is an alternative representation for world news. We focus on the people, the common citizen, stories untold by traditional media.

Colombia | The Embassy of El Salvador refused to receive a communiqué from the Venezuelan community

Venezuela | Thousands rally in support of kidnapped migrant sin El Salvador

The Best of teleSUR MARCH 25, 2025, NIGHT

FTS 20:30 25.03: China rejects U.S. interference in Venezuela's internal affairs

Coyotes work in complicity with powers in the U.S.

Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro rejects criminalization of migrants kidnapped in El Salvador

Honduran people stand in solidarity with Venezuela in the face of U.S. crackdown on migrants

El Salvador | Trade unions support relatives of Venezuelan migrants kidnapped by the U.S.

Argentina | Customs workers go on 48-hour strike to demand labor improvements

Brazil | Former president Jair Bolsonaro faces trial for attempted coup on January 8th, 2023

Venezuela | People mobilize in defense of kidnapped migrants

FTS 16:30 25.03: Venezuelans mobilize in defense of kidnapped migrants

Syria experiences nationwide internet outage

United States | Former Virginia prosecutor Jessica D. Aber found dead

Venezuela, Caracas hosted Expo Fair for children producers